Marvel has announced that it will launch a new Wolverine series, Wolverine:  Origins, in April, with story by Daniel Way and art by Brit veteran Steve Dillon.  The story in the first issue will be teed up by a cliffhanger in Wolverine #40 in March. 


Way and Dillon have previously collaborated on Bullseye:  Greatest Hits, Punisher vs. Bullseye, and Supreme Power:  Nighthawk.  Way is one of Marvel's Ten Terrific writers.  Dillon is well known for Preacher, Hellblazer, and Ultimate X-Men. 


Covers will be by Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada. 


The storylines in Wolverine:  Origins will be the 'official record' of Wolverine's life, according to Marvel EIC Joe Quesada, who also noted the connection to the original Origin miniseries.  'Think of what happened in the original Origin miniseries as Chapter One,' he said, 'and then Wolverine: Origins as all the following chapters--except we're gonna give 'em to you in no particular order!'  Logan has regained his memories in the aftermath of House of M, and he now puts on his brown costume and pursues his new priorities as a result.