Marvel announced six new series, including two new X-Men series, at Wizard World Philly last weekend.  The two X-Men titles are X-Men:  First Class, an 8-shot miniseries by Jeff Parker and Roger Cruz, with covers by Marko Djurdjevic; and X-Men:  Pheonix -- Warsong, by Greg Pak and Tyler Kirkham.  Both series launch in September.


Two Max miniseries were also announced.  Zombie, by Mike Raicht and Kyle Hotz, will ship in September.  Hellstorm:  Son of Satan, by Alexander Irvine and Russel Braun, will ship in October.



Marvel 1602:  Fantastik Four, by Peter David and Pascal Alixe, will ship in  September.  The new Blade ongoing series, written by Marc Gugenheim, with artist TBD and cover by Marko Djurdjevic, will launch in September.