Fangoria Entertainment, publisher of the leading horror movie magazine Fangoria, has announced a line of Fangoria Comics, which will debut in 2007. Scott Licina who created the G.R.A.V.E. Grrrls comic book with Ken Wolak and who may be best known for his controversial work on the 30th Anniversary Edition of Night of the Living Dead, will supervise Fangoria Comics' creative team that includes Tommy Castillo, Troy Brownfield, Mark Kidwell and Milen Paranov.
The first title to be published under the Fangoria Comics imprint will be Strangeland Disciple based on heavy metal honcho/filmmaker Dee Snider's latest Captain Howdy flick. Several other titles are in development including a mini-series from one of Leisure Books' hottest authors.
Fangoria Comics plans to lure some of the top horror movie directors, writers and effects artists to collaborate in the creation of the new line of horror comics. Fangoria Entertainment also plans to bundle its horror comics with horror DVDs and other media elements from the Fangoria universe.
The mainstream success of a number of horror comics including Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead (Image) and Marvel Zombies (Marvel) and Steve Niles 30 Days of Night (IDW) has given the horror comic genre a major boost. Yesterday's announcement by Fox Atomic, a division of the Fox movie empire, of a new line of horror graphic novels demonstrated Hollywood's interest in getting involved in genre comics, and today's news of Fangoria Comics insures that there will plenty of competitors attempting to lure the genre film fans with heaping helpings of 'gory, gruesome goodness.'