Rich Lukes of Comic Collector in Riverside, IL, saw the news that Marvel's Civil War books would be delayed (see ''Civil War' Delays Rile Retailers') and urges retailers attending the Diamond Summits to tell publishers and Diamond to solicit titles only when the books are in-hand and will be delivered on time:
For those going to the Diamond Retailer's Seminar in
We've been talking a lot about the delays for various books:
Civil War #4, All Star Batman & Robin, the Boy Wonder 5, etc., and it occurred to me that now might be a good time to bring it up to the various exhibitors and Diamond themselves at the upcoming Retailer Summits sponsored by Diamond.
I'm sure most of you who've attended know the drill: at different
points throughout the event, various exhibitors will get up and tell us what's coming out and why that particular book/game/toy/etc. will be the next hottest item since sliced bread. The last few times I've attended have been worth it and I urge other retailers to attend.
This year I'm suggesting to those who attend, that when DC, Marvel or whomever, talk about what's coming out, someone (I can't attend Baltimore, but I plan to attend the one in Fort Wayne) get up and ask if those issues are ready to print now or how many of a particular series are in their hands, ready to go.
Take this month's Previews. Marvel is soliciting Civil War #7. Someone ask, 'Is it in your hands now?' Or take DC with All Star Batman #5 or the new Superman series (Superman Confidential), someone ask, 'How many of those issues do you have in-hand?' If the answer isn't at least (I'll be nice and say) three issues or more, or in Marvel's case, is any response other than, 'Yes, we do,' then we need to say to Diamond, 'You know what? It's not worth you're soliciting those titles to us, so you might as well cancel the solicitation for those books now, because I'm not going to bother ordering it without some guarantee that it will arrive on time.'
We can complain all we want in forums like these, but until we
stand up for ourselves and say, 'No more,' nothing will ever change.
For those who go, I hope you have a good time. I look forward to
being at the one in
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