When FASA closed its doors (see 'FASA Fades Away') most of its licensed properties went to WizKids, but there was considerable uncertainty about the fate of the FASA lines simply because WizKids has its hand full with its white-hot Mage Knight line of miniature gaming products (see 'Product of the Month,' 'Expansion Packs?,' and 'Great Fire Dragon?'). Now thanks to an alliance with Fantasy Productions, the German publisher of FASA's Shadowrun, WizKids founder Jordan Weisman (the son of FASA founder Mort Weisman) has announced that the series will continue with Fantasy Productions publishing new Shadowrun material in both English and German.
Shadowrun will continue under the creative direction of Jordan Weisman himself. Weisman was the co-creator of Shadowrun, and he has chosen Mike Mulvihill, the long-time Shadowrun developer at FASA to supervise the production of new Shadowrun products. This will provide continuity for the Shadowrun property. The releases planned by FASA are still slated for publication, with the first product, Year of the Comet, coming soon. Weisman was pleased that, with the help of Fantasy Productions. 'We were able to continue the line so quickly.'