Players take the role of Hobbits telling stories over beer at the Shire’s Green Dragon Inn. Each player takes turns as the Narrator, devising a story using a hand of illustrated cards, while other players play hazard and monster cards to twist the tale.
The game is for 2-5 players, and is designed by Marco Maggi and Francesco Nepitello, who also designed the War of the Ring strategy boardgame as well as The One Ring role-playing game (see "New Plans for 'LOTR' RPG"). The game also includes bonus rules on how to use Hobbit Tales in conjunction with the The One Ring RPG.
The box contains 1 board, 75 Adventure cards, 40 Hazard cards, 5 coasters, a set of cardboard tokens, a twelve-sided The One Ring Feat die, and a set of rules. No MSRP has been set.