A television ad currently running for General Electric Profile appliances features the Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook in a brief but important appearance.  The story of the ad is a chance meeting between a professor of nanotechnology and an attractive woman (both apparently in their twenties) as they collide outside a laundromat.  A romance ensues, and the professor soon presents his love interest with a gift, which she unwraps to reveal the PHB to happy smiles all around.  The voiceover for that scene exploits the contrast, 'What can you say about a seeming mismatched romance between a hardwired computer geek and a famous supermodel?'  The connection is soon made with the products being sold, 'How about the fact that the marriage between beauty and brains can sometimes produce remarkable results?'  The couple is depicted in domestic bliss in their home with GE Profile appliances and their beautiful, intelligent (as we can tell by his glasses) child.  The ad can be viewed by clicking here.