DBA(s), if any: TMZ, Inc.
Headquarters: 13505 Yorba Ave., Suite D, Chino, CA 91710
Phone: 909-590-5426
Fax: 909-590-4268
Website URL: www.tmztoys.com
Business founded: 1996
Employees: 6
Number of locations: 1
First-time manufacturer/publisher contact:
Contact name: Elias Castro
Phone: 909-590-5426
Fax: 909-590-4268
E-mail: tmzsales@keyway.net
Channels sold to:
Traditional specialty brick and mortar retailers: toy stores, comic stores, video stores, game stores, trading card stores, videogame stores, and novelty/gift stores; catalogue retailers and e-commerce retailers.
Opening an account:
A resale certificate is required to open a wholesale account. First time wholesale customers can use credit cards. Standard credit terms either C.O.D. or credit card. Maximum credit terms net 21.
Communication methods:
Monthly wholesale catalogue produced. Website maintained with an online catalog. Mass faxes sent out.
Ordering methods:
Advance orders and reorders accepted through various methods
Product lines:
Offers a wide range of gaming products in the following categories: toys, anime, games, comics and movie/TV products.
Average monthly new product skus:
Anime, manga and Japanese Pop Culture: 50 skus
Toys, models, action figures: 50 skus
Comics and graphic novels: 0 skus
RPGs and CCGs: 5 skus
Movie and TV licensed products: 100 skus
Inventory/backlist orders:
In stock inventory maintained and the average sku count per category is as follows:
Average monthly new product skus:
Anime, manga and Japanese Pop Culture: 500 skus
Toys, models, action figures: 500 skus
Comics and graphic novels: 0 skus
RPGs and CCGs: 50 skus
Movie and TV licensed products: 0 skus
Product is shipped as it accumulates or shipped once a month. Consolidating backlist and advance orders not available. Backorders are taken; and special orders are taken for items not generally stocked.
Ordering methods:
Orders can be taken in written format (mail), via phone, fax, and through e-mail.
Flat pricing. Customer pays shipping costs.
Shipping methods:
Preferred method of shipping is UPS. Also can be shipped via FedEx, or pick-up is also available.
Returns accepted for damages and mistakes.
Sales made outside of the U.S. to Canada and international retailers.