Company legal name: Zocchi Distributing, Inc.
Headquarters: 200A Compress, Holly Springs, MS 38635
Phone: 662-252-5615/800-476-0600
Fax: 662-252-6825
Website URL: www.zocchi.com
Business established: 1976
Employees: 11
Number of locations: 1
Number of active customers: 250
First-time retailer contact:
Contact name: Rick Brooks
Phone: 800-476-0600
Fax: 662-252-6825
E-mail: rickb@zocchi.com
First-time publisher/manufacturer contact:
Contact name: Jim O'Neal
Phone: 662-252-5615
Fax: 662-252-6825
E-mail: jimo@zocchi.com
Channels sold to:
Traditional specialty brick and mortar stores: comic stores, toy stores, video stores, game stores, trading card stores and novelty/gift stores; catalogue retailers and e-commerce retailers.
Opening an account:
A retail certificate is required. A short form application is available for accounts that may want to order only the occasional C.O.D. shipment. Standard credit terms are C.O.D. check or net 15 days. Maximum credit terms are net 30 days.
Communication methods:
A retailer catalog is available (produced twice a year). Also communication via weekly sell sheet, website, e-mail and mass faxing.
Ordering methods:
Pre-orders through monthly distributor catalog, advanced orders and reorders. Orders can be placed by mail, phone, fax, e-mail, mail-in disks, and by upload/download formatted files.
Product lines:
Offers a wide range of gaming products, from various gaming companies, which can be pre-ordered each month. Average monthly sku count of new product: RPGs and CCGs: 100 skus
Maintains a large on-hand backlist of gaming products for immediate reorder. RPGs and CCGs: 9,000 skus
Shipping of product occurs any day of the week as product accumulates. Backorders are taken for some products and special orders are sometimes taken for items not normally stocked.
Orders from inventory and advance order determine discount.
Shipping methods:
FedEx is the standard method of shipping. Other methods used include UPS, USPS and overnight service. Pick-up is also available.
Returns accepted for damages and errors. Returns on unsold, undamaged inventory are sometimes done on a case-by-case basis.
Sales outside of the U.S. to Canada and international retailers are welcome.