Comic Images has secured the rights to produce trading and photo cards for the upcoming American Idol season.  The sets will include images of the 12 finalists and will be sent to the printer before the winner is selected, probably in April.  The photo cards will be 3' x 5'.  Teen girls, the strongest demo for the show, may be attracted to this format. 


Fleer previously held the license for AI trading cards (see 'Fleer Does American Idol and Transformers'), but ceased doing business last year (see 'Upper Deck Acquires Fleer').


GenCon attendees were invited to try out the Stargate CCG, which is now due out in December. 


The Godzilla Trading Cards are scheduled for a mid-September release and will include one sketch card in every box.


The next, and currently unnamed, WWE Raw Deal product will have revised and simplified rules, and is scheduled for December release.  This game will be a both a jumping on point for new players and be fully compatible with the current version.