Manga Entertainment has confirmed to ICv2 that the versions of the two Evangelion movies that it releases will not be edited specially for the U.S. market. AD Vision had cut out some scenes from its Evangelion releases, but Manga maintains that they will be able to present the Japanese versions in their entirety and still keep a '13+' rating. The two Evangelion 'movies' are slated for an early November release.
Neon Genesis Evangelion was originally created as a television series in Japan. Eventually a total of 26 episodes were produced. The Evangelion: Death & Rebirth movie includes excerpts from the first 25 episodes of the television series plus some added material. The second film that Manga will release, Evangelion: The Movie (aka The End of Evangelion) consists of episodes 25 and 26 and it provides an alternate ending to a series that is as philosophically deep as it is confusing. In terms of depth, Evangelion is to robot anime what Alan Moore's Watchmen is to superhero comics.