Atlas Games has announced the release of a new edition of its occult RPG, Unknown Armies.

Designed by Greg Stolze (Legend of the Five Rings, Vampire: The Requiem) and John Tynes (Delta Green, Escape from Innsmouth), Unknown Armies first came out in 1998 and was re-released in 2002. It presents a world of magick where characters must risk things dear to them in order to achieve what they desire, with the fate of the world in the balance. This cult classic brings a unique and original mix of mystery, horror, and action not seen in other RPGs.

The new edition includes three separate books that together make up everything necessary for the RPG – one book for players, another for GMs, and a final book expanding the game and story world into even more detail.

Atlas Games is currently seeking funding for the RPG on Kickstarter. They already have received $175,550 in pledges from 1,801 backers (average $97.47/backer), with three weeks left for funding. A retailer backing level provides two complete sets of the three books, and two bonus sets of dice; a premium retail level includes two additional copies of the player's book and the inclusion of images related to the store in the game.

Unknown Armies is set to ship to backers (including retail backers) in April 2017, with a general trade release following a few months later. MSRP is tentatively $39.95 for the player's book, $34.95 for the GM book, and $29.95 for the expansion book. MSRP for a deluxe set of all three books is $124.95. The dice sets available for retail backers will not otherwise be available through trade sales.

Atlas Games has been offering several promotions that showcase retailers who support their games; one recent promotion allowed stores to have custom cars in their Cthulhu-themed racing game, Fast & Fhtagn (see "Custom Cars for Stores in 'Fast & Fhtagn'").