Organized Play Seasons (or “OPS”) will be built around a series of related scenarios, intended for play over a three-month “season.” Each month will feature a different scenario, and players can earn points in a number of ways, including pick-up games and miniature painting. The overall winners at the end of the season can win Challenge Coins for that event.
To support the program, GF9 will offer an OPS Kit for each month. The OPS Kit includes the month’s scenario, the terrain needed to play, and tools for keeping track of participants during the season. Participants each month can earn prizes, including oversized unit cards, acrylic measuring arrows, and other game-related items. In addition, participating stores may purchase limited-edition play mats with graphics designed to coordinate with the terrain tiles from that month’s OPS Kit. The first season will begin on July 18 and runs through October 14. The theme will be the D-Day invasion at Normandy, with the first scenario depicting the actual beach landings, the second the fight through the dense bocage of France, and the last will be a larger battle fought between teams of players.GF9 released Tanks in April (see “‘Tanks’ Miniatures Skirmish Game Rolls In”).