Like the first CAV: Strike Operations, this second release features the unpainted grey miniatures made from the same plastic as the wildly successful "Bones" fantasy miniatures from Reaper. This new release adds over 40 new models, and focuses on two new factions: the economic powerhouse the Adonese and the overwhelming space navy of the Ritterlich,, engaged in the beginnings of the First Galactic War.
Currently, the project is seeking backing on Kickstarter, and has received $17,048 from 197 backers (roughly $86.54/backer); the funding window closes on August 6. The project does not include a retailer store level of participation. Backer fulfillment is planned for May 2017.
Miniatures for CAV: Strike Operations released in game stores today; the second edition core rulebook released earlier this year (see "'CAV' Returns").