Black Panther & The Crew revives The Crew series from Christopher Priest and artist Joe Bennett that ran for seven issues starting in 2003. Priest’s take on The Crew focused on Junta, Justice, Kasper Cole, and War Machine and was set in Brooklyn.
Coates’ new series is co-created with poet Yona Harvey and artist Butch Guice. It will star Black Panther, Storm, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, and Manifold and will be set in Harlem. This new iteration of The Crew made its first appearance in Black Panther #7.Coates didn’t specify a release date in his interview with Time, but he did reveal that the series would be influenced by contemporary events, such as Black Lives Matter, and events that took place during the Cold War.
“You see the events of today,” Coates told Time. “There are also flashbacks to events of the Cold War. It all connects. The basic idea is each of these people for various reasons has a conflicted relationship with the neighborhood, Harlem.”
Black Panther & The Crew is the second title to be added to the Black Panther universe since Coates, a National Book Award and MacArthur ‘Genius’ Grant winner, relaunched Marvel’s first Black superhero in 2016 with Brian Stelfreeze on art. The first spinoff, Black Panther: World of Wakanda, hit shelves in late 2016 with acclaimed feminist writer Roxanne Gay at the helm (see “Marvel Hires Black Female Writer for New 'Black Panther' Title”). Coates worked with Harvey on a backup story for World of Wakanda.