Fox’s untitled X-Men series has cast its first mutant. While the story specifics are still under wraps, director Bryan Singer recently characterized it as “a family drama.”
Blair Redford (Satisfaction, Burlesque) has been cast as Sam, “the strong-headed Native American leader of the underground network,” according to EW. The network in question is a group of mutants, fighting a hostile government, who take in the protagonist family who discover their children have mutant powers.
While it’s not officially being called an X-Men series, showrunner Matt Nix has confirmed it takes place in the same universe. Plus, X-Men movie director Bryan Singer recently confirmed he is directing the pilot (see “Bryan Singer Directing 'X-Men' TV Pilot”). In a recent interview with Mashable, Singer explained that the show has a very different tone from the X-Men films and FX series Legion. “It’s mostly about a family. It’s a family drama. There’ll be effects, powers, and things like that. But at its heart, it’s about a family. It’s an emotional story.”
When asked if the show would feature familiar faces from the X-Men universe, he said “There’ll be some familiar and some unfamiliar.”
Bryan Singer Calls Show 'A Family Drama'
Posted by ICv2 on February 9, 2017 @ 5:23 pm CT
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