The Harvey gang will star in an all-new incarnation of Harvey Hits, the beloved anthology comic that originally ran over 122 issues between 1957 and 1967. Creators on the resurrected series include Cesare Asaro and Kirstie Shepherd (Spaceman Jax), Geoffrey Golden (The Devastator), Charlie La Greca (Mayah's Lot), Landry Walker and Eric Jones (Supergirl: Cosmic Adventures in the 8th Grade), Dan Parent (Kevin Keller), and Franco Aureliani and Art Baltazar (Tiny Titans, Itty Bitty Hellboy).
The first issue is set to ship on May 31.
Joe Books began publishing monthly comics in 2016. Harvey Hits is the latest expansion in their comic line, which also includes Disney properties (see “Disney Princesses Get New Comic Adventures” and “'Darkwing Duck' Returns to Comics”).