The series will be overseen by original creator Silvestri, written by Matt Hawkins (Warframe, Think Tank) and Bryan Hill (Bonehead, Postal), and drawn by Atilio Rojo (Samaritan).
Set in the near-future where transhumanism is becoming a reality, a terrorist attack happens at a technology company. Morgan Stryker, an employee, is one of the only survivors. His employers save his life, but his survival may cost him his humanity.
Silvestri was a co-founder of Image Comics and launched Cyber Force in 1992. The original miniseries was followed by 35 issues of an ongoing series in the 90s, and relaunches in 2006 and 20012, when the series was relaunched with help from a Kickstarter campaign (see “ Image Central Expands Role With Top Cow”) which raised $117,134 from 1,419 backers ($82.55/backer average).