At ACD Games Day, Arcane Wonders was showing off Critical Mass,  a new mech-combat card game, it will release in July.

Players equip their mech and prepare to attack the other player with simultaneously-played action cards. Whichever player sets the fastest speed hits first, unless other abilities counteract it. Damage is dealt by removing cubes from the player board as each of four critical components is hit. The goal is to destroy the opposing mech by knocking out all four critical components. The field of combat constantly changes as players bring new cards into their hands to upgrade or play combos against each other.

Starter One – Patriot vs Iron Curtain and Starter Two – Raijin vs Archon each include two mechs, as well as all the cards needed to play for a two- player game. The game is for 2 players, ages 14 and up, and plays in 30 – 45 minutes.  If both sets are combined, the game can be expanded to four players. Each Starter is $24.99.

Critical Mass has gone through a lot of changes since it was announced (see “'Critical Mass,' Expansions for 'Sheriff of Nottingham,' 'Onitama,' More”).