Unclaimed reserve inventory
Most comic store regulars have a “pull list” set up at their favorite local comic shop, but this good faith agreement, if neglected for extended periods by the purchaser, can lead to order pileup and inventory glut for the store attempting to curate a loyal clientele. This is what happened to Josh Roberts, the owner of the Comic Cave in Springfield, Missouri.

So John Oliver, patron and friend, set up a GoFundMe campaign to help clear the debt. The campaign is seeking $15,000 to put a dent in Roberts considerable deficit, which includes more than $10,000 in reserved but unpurchased inventory, dating back 7 – 8 months in some cases. Roberts also incurred additional debt by hosting CaveCon in September, giving “Springfield, MO it's largest true comic convention in a long time,” according to the fundraiser. 

The campaign was tagged “under review” by the platform earlier this week, due to “complaints about the vagueness around where the money is going and what it will be used for.” Oliver updated the campaign, stating “This will be used to help Josh clear the near $40,000 in open debt he has accrued after venue and associated costs with CaveCon and the back debt with Diamond Comic Distributors.”

The campaign has raised almost $12,000 from 175 people in five days and will continue through December 31.