Tentacle Town, created by Aaron Dill (Spartacus: A Game of Blood & Treachery, Star Trek: Ascendancy), is a resource management and worker placement type game in which players must defend their coastal village from rampaging tentacles that emerge from the sea. The players use their citizens to fulfill tasks like building the town and fighting tentacles to earn “calamari” resources. If the tentacles get too plentiful, they attack, possibly destroying buildings or devouring citizens. But, players who destroy tentacles become “famous,” and the most famous player becomes the new mayor and wins the game.
The company plans to release the game this fall. MSRP has not been set, but is expected to be around $40.00.Monster Fight Club founder John Kovaleski shared some of the company’s plans for marketing the game with ICv2, including a possible Kickstarter campaign later this year, saying “Kickstarter is one of those ways that a lot of companies are going out and telling the market, ‘Hey, this is there.’ You can get a sense for, is it worth going out there? If you’re going to do that, the friendly local game stores, too, everybody needs as much help as they could possibly get. We’re hoping that if we do end up going to do a Kickstarter model, there will be something really good in there for the retailers.”
The company’s second title, Yuli is an abstract strategy style game with an Aztec temple theme. Players maneuver their worshippers to move idol-topped pyramids around a 12 by 8 grid, trying to push them to the other end of the board. As pyramids move, they can vaporize opposing worshippers, paralyze them in fear by making eye contact, or even destroy other idols.{IMAGE_4}Monster Fight Club was founded by a team of veterans from Gale Force Nine last year, including Kovaleski and Dill (see “Kovaleski Forms Monster Fight Club”).
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