“The base game focuses on the first novel in the Mistborn series,” said Crafty’s Alex Flagg. “The supplement focuses on the second novel.”
Designed by Flagg and Kevin Wilson (Arkham Horror, Sid Meier’s Civilization), the expansion focuses on the siege of the capital city of Luthadel in the book. It introduces new problems and houses, as well as a mechanic where players declare whether they support or oppose the forces attacking the city. That decision has a bearing on who wins the game. At the request of players, they’ve also added rampaging Koloss. The player in control of them collects their spoils, but they can turn on that player, so there is high risk involved.
The base game (see “Kevin Wilson’s ‘Mistborn: House of War’”) is required to play and accommodates three to five players ages 14+. The base game takes one to two hours to play. Details on how the expansion will affect play time were not available. MSRP is expected to be $29.95.