The title follows the titular preacher Jesse Custer, Tulip, his gun-toting girlfriend, and an Irish vampire named Cassidy on a surreal, supernatural jaunt across the United States and beyond.Over the course of the saga, the trio’s encounters with Angels, Demons, Nazis and God himself would come to make Preacher one of the pillars of the Vertigo line.
The epic 76-issue storyline (including specials) was adapted to television for a recently completed four-season run on AMC (see: Geek TV Round up: Preacher Ending).
Ennis, an immensely influential writer for the former DC imprint (see: DC abandons Vertigo brand), will also see his work featured in a Hellblazer omnibus(see: DC to omnibize Ennis’s Hellblazer arcs ) announced by the publisher earlier this year.
This collection covers Preacher #1-33, Preacher Special: Saint of Killers #1-4(with artwork by Carlos Ezquerra), and Preacher Special: Cassidy—Blood & Whiskey #1.
Preacher: The 25th Anniversary Omnibus Vol. 1 will retail for $125. The book is scheduled for release on July 1.