Devil's Due's Publishing's Josh Blaylock announced that he and his team will crowdfund equity for a new comics studio called PopCultivator.

In a unique attempt to raise capital for start up, Josh Blaylock and his team are crowdfunding equity in their new company PopCultivator for as low as a $100 investment. PopCultivator's mission as a new publisher will be to create a diverse comic content library where fans/investors can own a piece of the intellectual properties they produce. The start-up publisher will be managed by the team of Josh Blaylock (Devil's Due Comics) as CCO/CEO, Mike Horn (Palisades Toys, Cubles) as Chief Development Officer, COO Stuart Bernstein, Shawn DePasquale ( as Director of Entertainment Development & Story Editor, and Kit Caoagas as Director of Talent Management.

As of the publication of this article, they have raised $36,127 of a $50,000 goal with the estimated pre-money valuation of the company being $3 million at $0.75 a share. The company currently has $100 in on hand cash, no revenue, and no debt (which is typical for this stage of a start-up). For investor perks, which start at $250, they are offering free digital copies of any books and a progressive scale of discounts of physical copies up into the $7,500 investment range.

Tasty Minstrel Games used a similar crowdfund tactic to raise capital for their company back in 2017 (see "Tasty Minstrel's Successful Raise").