Ares Games announced The Battle of Five Armies: Revised Edition, an updated edition of the original two-player standalone game, for release in September.

Ares first released The Battle of Five Armies board game in 2013, which is based on the final battle in The Hobbit (see "'The Battle of Five Armies Board Game'"). The new updated version includes improvements to rules and cards first seen in the Collectors' Edition. This first printing of this editon will also feature a War of the Ring mini-expansion called The Fate of Erebor. It is variant scenario for War of the Ring which assumes that the Free Peoples lost the Battle of Five Armies.

The game box will include a 50 x 70 cm game board, 126 plastic figures, 13 Action dice, 10 Combat dice,    92 cards, 11 Character and Special Units reference cards, 160 counters and tokens, 2 player aids, game rules, and everything need to play The Fate of Erebor. This game is for two players, ages 13 and up, and plays in 90 minutes.