Renegade Games Studios will release Robo Rally, a new edition of the classic board game, into retail in August 2023.
The classic robot racing board game that was responsible for bringing together former Wizards of the Coast CEO Peter Adkison and Magic: The Gathering creator Richard Garfield for the first time, in the early days of Wizards of the Coast, is headed back to market. The new version of this competitive game comes out under the Renegade banner (see "'Axis & Allies,' 'Diplomacy,' and More"), and features new bells and whistles like six pre-painted robot miniatures and over 80 different race courses. The new game also includes options for short and long race courses as well as race courses with different difficultly levels.
The game box will come with 6 pre-painted robot figures, 6 robot player mats, 4 double-sided Factory game boards, a double-sided Docking Bay game board, 6 plastic checkpoint markers, 120 programming cards (6 decks of 20), 40 Damage cards, 40 upgrade cards, 8 energy tracking cubes, 18 tokens. a large player aid card, a Priority token, a sticker sheet, and a rulebook. This game is for two to six players, ages 12 and up, and will play in 45 to 60 minutes. It will retail for $50.00.

Now on Preorder from Renegade Game Studios
Posted by Jeffrey Dohm-Sanchez on March 2, 2023 @ 1:13 pm CT

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