Pine Box Entertainment will release 7th Sea: City of Five Sails, an expandable card game set in the 7th Sea RPG world, into retail on September 2023.

In this card game, players take control of one of five factions in the city of Five Sails.  They deploy their forces to fight for influence and control of this independent city.   Each player has an individual deck based around a leader that has items, events, and characters in it to deploy.  There is also an additional random element introduced to the game in the form of a shared deck that represents the citizens of Five Sails and the events that trigger.  Battles in this game are resolved via mechanics that are reminiscent of "cinematic swordplay."

7th Sea: City of Five Sails is for two to four players, ages 12 and up, and plays in 20 to 80 minutes.

Pine Box Entertainment also recently released Doomtown: Weird West Edition, a new base set for the Doomtown card game (see"'Doomtown'").