Para Bellum Games unveiled 2000-point faction boxed sets for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, which will release in late September 2023.

Each faction boxed set comes with a ready to construct and play 2000-point army. These armies are geared toward getting Conquest fans into playing the game competitively. The armies contained in the boxed sets will be condusive to two styles of play, giving players options on the battlefield.

“We are very happy to showcase the ranges of each faction with their unique style of play, in these competitive Conquest 2000-point armies.” said Daryl McKay, Global Sales and Marketing Manager of Para Bellum Games.

The first four factions to get these boxed sets will be the Nords, W'adrhun, the Hundred Kingdoms, and Old Dominion. They will retail between $399.99 and $629.99, depending on the boxed set.

Para Bellum also recently unveiled St. George and the Dragon, a new Founder's Exclusive model for Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, which is available for preorder (see "'Conquest' Founder's Exclusive Model").

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