Marvel will launch Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe One Last Time, the third and final Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe series, in April. This time around, the story by Cullen Bunn and Dalibor Talajic features Deadpool going after a whole Multiverse of Marvel’s heroes gone bad, including werewolf Captain Americas, world-breaking Hulks, and some new takes.

The first two series were Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, in 2012, and Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe (Again), in 2017. The collection of the original Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe series was the #20 graphic novel overall in comic stores in 2015, and spent months in the Top 20 in the book channel in 2016 (see “Deadpool To Kill Again”).    

The cover is by Davide Paratore, with variant covers by Greg Land and Dan Panosian. Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe One Last Time #1 will be released on April 2.

Click Gallery below for full-size cover images!