Marvel will publish Marvel Archive Edition: Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars, the second in its series of oversize gallery editions, on September 16, 2025. The new Archive Edition format is similar to other deluxe artists editions: It presents a complete story in an oversized 9.25” x 13” format, with the original issues reproduced as they originally appeared, complete with ads, fan letters, and other extras. Marvel Archive Edition: Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars will include Secret Wars #1-12, by writer Jim Shooter and artists Mike Zeck and Bob Layton, along with a cover gallery; the 512-page hardcover will have an MSRP of $125. The standard edition will have a cover by Mike Zeck, and there will be two direct market-only variants, also by Zeck, a Hidden Gem cover and the original collection cover.

The first volume of Marvel’s Archive Editions is slated for release on July 22, 2025 (see “Marvel to Publish Gallery Edition of ‘Amazing Spider-Man - The Black Costume: Year One”).

Click Gallery below for covers!