The Op Games showed new versions of a number of games it had previously released, or that were previously released by others, at Toy Fair, including Telestrations, 25 Words or Less, Glyphix, and several other titles.  The new versions were in addition to three hobby game titles (see "The Op Previews Hobby Games") The Op Games was showing at Toy Fair.

Refreshed editions of Telestrations and Adult Telestrations are planned for release in June and July.  The new editions will feature new content and a new look.  The games will be released in 8- and 12-player versions to specialty and hobby retail, and in a 6-player version exclusively through Target.

And speaking of mass merchant exclusives, a new package for Flip 7 is currently available exclusively at Walmart.

The board for the new version of the 25 Words or Less board game, on which the TV game show was based, is built into the box.  Originally released in the 1990s, then repackaged In 2019 to feature TV host Meredith Viera, the new version will be released in June.

The Op Games will release its version of Glyphics, originally released by Big G Games, in June.  In Glyphics, designed by Flip 7 designer Eric Olsen, players use plastic pieces to form a picture that gets other players to guess the word.

Tacta, previously released in a self-published version by designer Jason Trembley, will be released by The Op Games in April.  Players lay down cards to display their cards or cover their opponents as they seek to have the most pips visible at the end of the game.

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