Novelist Brad Meltzer, who wrote the universe-altering Identity Crisis mini-series for DC Comics, has signed an exclusive agreement with America's oldest comic book publisher. Meltzer, who also followed Kevin Smith with a popular run on DC's Green Arrow, is a best-selling novelist (The Tenth Justice, The First Counsel, The Zero Game) with a real flair for creating Washington DC-based governmental thrillers and the co-creator of the critically acclaimed Jack & Bobby TV series.
Although the nature of Meltzer's next DC project remains unclear, his agreement with DC is further indication of the comic book industry's increasing ability to attract highly talented writers from other media (see 'Marvel Announces Three Projects With Best-Selling Authors'). Meltzer's Identity Crisis was not only a hit in the direct market -- the collected version has also been one of the top-selling superhero graphic novels in bookstores in 2005.
DC also announced that Meltzer, along with DC superstar Jim Lee will be Guests of Honor at the inaugural New York ComicCon in February 2006.