An ICv2 Release. ICv2 has announced the release of the ICv2 Retailers Guide to Games #12, which is being released to the trade by Alliance Game Distributors, Diamond Comic Distributors, GTS Distribution, Lion Rampant, and other sources.
This special issue is jam-packed with goodness, including:
- Top retailers reveal their secrets for working with schools.
- Kovalic cartoon on games in education
- Market report: Is the Game Market Bottoming?
- ICv2 Top 10 CCGs
- ICv2 Top 5 CMGs
- ICv2 Top 5 Unpainted Miniatures
- ICv2 Top 10 Board, Family, and Card Games
- ICv2 Top 10 RPGs
For game retailers, if your distributor is on the list above, just ask for your free copy of the Guide; or if not, e-mail Dennis Viau at our office at dviau@icv2.com to request a copy. For others, it's available for a small charge at the ICv2 Online Store (click here).