All-New X-Men #1
Publisher: Marvel Comics
Release Date: December 2, 2015
Cover Price: $3.99
Writer: Dennis Hopeless
Artist: Mark Bagley
Cover: Mark Bagley
Format: 32 pgs., Full-Color
Rating: Teen +

Hated and feared more than ever, the world is a more dangerous place for mutants. But as the few remaining X-Men retreat into seclusion, a handful of teenagers will strike out on their own – refusing to let their fate be decided for them.  Stepping out of the shadows of their predecessors and future selves – Cyclops, Angel, Iceman, the All-New Wolverine, Kid Apocalpyse and Oya are hitting the road, learning to be heroes, and changing their destinies. But with the world a more hostile place than ever for their kind – is there hope for their future?

Variant Cover by Mark Bagley; Hip-Hop Variant by Ed Piskor; Kirby Monster Variant by Jack Kirby

Description of preview: 8 total pages (4 covers and 4 interior pages).