Publisher: Brotherwise Games, LLC
Release Date: August 17, 2017
Cover price: $34.95
Game Designer: Jason Harner, Matthew Ransom
Component list: 85 cards, 91 tokens, 20 dice, 4 player aids, a cloth storage bag, and a plastic tray sized for sleeved cards

Long ago, your ancestors built great cities across the world. Now your tribe of Delvers must find these lost cities, claim the ruins, rebuild places of power, and restore the glory of a bygone age. Unearth is a dice placement game for 2-4 players.

Brotherwise, publishers of the hit Boss Monster, announced the game earlier this year, and will support the launch with a free demo game and demo kit for brick-and-mortar stores who preorder five copies of the game (see “Brotherwise Reveals 'Unearth' Details”).

Click the Gallery below for 12 images of game components and box!