Moebius Library: Inside Moebius Part 1 HC
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: February 07, 2018
Cover Price: $39.99
Creator: Moebius
ISBN: 978-1-5-0670-320-6
Format: 216 pgs., Full-Color, 8"x10", Hardcover
Rating: 16+

Working closely with Moebius Production in France, Dark Horse presents Inside Moebius Part 1, the next volume in the Moebius Library.  As he explores a beautiful, expansive desert that represents his mind, Moebius draws himself encountering his favorite characters--creations like Blueberry, Arzak, and Major Grubert--and also meets a younger version of himself! A six-part study, Inside Moebius Part 1 collects the first two chapters in this fantastic exploration of a creator meeting his own creations to discuss his artistic process and the real world issues that encroach into his thoughts.

Description of preview: 7 total pages (Cover and 6 interior pages).