Sponsored.  Discover how the rich world of Winds of Numa Sera transitioned from graphic novel to immersive board game with this Winds of Numa Sera diary entry from Morgan Rosenblum, the co-creator from Darkrose Studios.

Winds of Numa Sera Designer Diary
Entry #1: Origins - Adapting a Board Game from a Graphic Novel
This is my first designer diary.  I've been writing professionally for over a decade, with over 20 published graphic novels and comics.  I'm repped by Gotham Group and Gersh Management for TV and film projects.  Despite my experience, creating board games is a new venture for me.

Knowing what I didn't know, I did my homework.  We consulted with pro game designers and notable publishers, and play-tested with hundreds of players, incorporating their feedback.  After five years, when players started asking when they could buy our game, we knew it was ready.

Winds of Numa Sera began as a graphic novel, co-created by myself and my childhood best friend, Jonny Handler.  We had crafted an expansive world with rich cultures and intricate lore, and an ensemble of diverse characters.

Our challenge was to turn this into a playable experience.  We started with key questions:

1. What kind of game do we want this to be?
Our story's theme of feuding kingdoms, alliances, and betrayals guided us.  We aimed for a multiplayer game with player agency and some randomness (RNG).  It needed to be easy to learn but challenging to master.

We wanted RPG elements but ultimately a kingdom-builder game without the complexity of many 4x games.  The game should be approachable and not overly long.  Thanks to our graphic novel, we already had clear faction and hero concepts, which helped us design distinct yet accessible kingdoms.  We also wanted multiple ways to win, allowing different play styles.

We ended up with an asymmetric kingdom-building strategy game for 2-4 players, relatively fast-paced, with rich backstory and multiple paths to victory.

2. Why does Winds of Numa Sera translate well from a graphic novel to a board game?
The world and characters are well-defined, providing a rich foundation.  I've always enjoyed various types of games.  Creating a board game felt like the right new adventure, akin to exploring a new world.

3. Which kingdoms would serve as our primary options for players to choose from?
We chose four main kingdoms for the core game, with more planned for expansions:

  • Meran:  The versatile "cat people," resilient with a special "nine lives" ability for heroes.
  • Dena Vale:  Resourceful knights adept at siege warfare, with the wise Baron drawing two Exploration cards and choosing one.
  • Siaa De’e:  Combat-centric warriors, with abilities enhancing battle effectiveness.
  • Numa Sera:  Wealthy from religious followers, excellent at amassing capital for skills and items.

4. Who are the actual characters you could play as?
We divided characters into Heroes and Mavens.

  • Heroes:  Playable rulers from each kingdom, each with unique skills.  The order of play affects strategy and experience.
  • Mavens:  Influential characters met during Exploration, offering special abilities or resources.

5. What would be the goal or objective of the game for the players?
Players should feel like they are ruling a kingdom.  Multiple win conditions reflect different ruling styles: conquest, alliances, trade, and knowledge.  It's all about legacy.

6. How can we make the game feel real?
We aimed for realism and thematic consistency.  Actions like "trading" allow for creative and strategic play.  For example, you might offer an alliance for immediate resources but risk betrayal and loss of trust.

The game is a race to achieve one of four victory conditions, encouraging player interaction and alliances to prevent others from winning.

Now that we knew what our game was, the next challenge was making it play well on a turn-by-turn basis.

Learn more about our game, which is LIVE NOW on KICKSTARTER!  But hurry, the campaign ends soon!

Morgan Rosenblum
Co-Founder & Lead Creative
Darkrose Studios

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