When Publicized, 'They Should Be Open Order'
August 22, 2016
Calum Johnston of Strange Adventures Comix & Curiosities in Halifax, Novia Scotia saw a recent preview of Marvel's Cosplay variants and sent comments, an infographic on ordering variants, and commented on cause variants.
'This May Not Be The Perfect Campaign, But It's A Start'
August 15, 2016
Joe Ferrara of Atlantis Fantasyworld responds to Robert Scott’s Talk Back on Marvel’s Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.
'I Say Decidedly No'
August 9, 2016
Michael Breakfield of Lone Star Comics in Arlington, TX read Rob Salkowitz’s latest column and had this to say.
July 28, 2016
Robert Scott of Comickaze Comics, Books and More in San Diego, California comments on Marvel's upcoming Prostate Awareness Month variant covers.
'Good work remains popular'
June 3, 2016
Jim Hanley, former owner of Jim Hanley's Universe, comments on the longevity of popular graphic novels.
'Gary Was a Pioneer'
May 26, 2016
Pop culture historian and former comic retailer Robert Conte shared his thoughts on the passing of Gary Brodsky of Solson Publications.
'Does this mean…?'
May 9, 2016
Jim Crocker of Modern Myths questions the sincerity of Monte Cook Games promising to give "retailers a bit more love and support."
'An anchor to the Milwaukee comics community.'
May 2, 2016
David Beard on the passing of direct market pioneer Ron Killian, owner of The Turning Page.
'Feels like DC is really dropping the ball'
March 21, 2016
John Miller of Docking Bay 94 comments on the release timing of the DC Previews catalog featuring the "Rebirth" solicitations.
'Less Stores Jumping the Sell Date'
January 25, 2016
John Weddleton of Bosco's comments on Walmart closing numerous stores.
'Good News or Bad News?'
January 22, 2016
Jay Bardyla of Happy Harbor Comics & Toys comments on the announcement of Wamart closing stores, and we respond.
'Extremely Vanilla at Best and Stale at Worse'
January 13, 2016
Michael Breakfield of Lone Star Comics comments on current state of DC Comics.