Teen Titans, Ben 10, Magical Do-Re-Mi
February 16, 2006
The most interesting portion of Bandai America's line is based on three key animated programs.
Dark Horse Goes Straight to Trades
February 5, 2006
Dark Horse has cancelled the monthly Space Pinchy comics and plans to publish the series as a trade.
'All Tomorrow's Zombies'
January 26, 2006
Eden Studios is planning a March release for All Tomorrow's Zombies.
First Second Books
January 10, 2006
First Second Books is launching an impressive list of six full color graphic novels this spring.
Eight Titles for June
January 9, 2006
Games Workshop's Black Library publishing arm is readying a raft of titles for release this June.
The Green Behemoth on 'Planet Hulk'
January 3, 2006
The subject of Tuesday's Marvel press conference was an epic 14-issue Hulk story arc.
And Babylon 5 2nd Edition
November 16, 2005
Mongoose will release a new product grouping based on the Skinnies in March.
Coming in March
October 27, 2005
SOTA Toys has announced the March, 2006 release of a high quality Aliens Deluxe Pewter Chess Set.
From 'Neon Genesis Evangelion'
October 12, 2005
Gainax has announced a series of three new figures from the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series.
For Summer
October 6, 2005
The launches include four new Kodansha manga properties and the first title in Del Rey's 'mature' line.