Gene Smith of Alien Entertainment Company in Lombard, Illinois saw Joseph Murray's comments about the DST Stargate promotion (see 'Joseph Murray of Captain Blue Hen Comics on 'Stargate Atlantis Figure'') and has also had issues with past promotions:


I completely agree with Joseph Murray's comments on the Stargate figures and have another point to add:  not every person who buys figures opens them.  Some of our customers prefer mint in-package figures, and for them this means they will have to buy two sets (one to keep and the other to open for the coupon and UPC numbers), or not buy them at all.


I have a better solution--make this special figure a chase figure or case bonus.  This will also add to sales for Diamond and hopefully retailers.


Just a quick point that I also mentioned to our Diamond rep and hopefully others will, too so they can see our side of the situation.


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