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Sales Estimates for May Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
June 17, 2008
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during May 2008.
'Prince Valiant' and 'Wash Tubbs' & 'Captain Easy'
June 3, 2008
Fantagraphics publisher Gary Groth told us at Book Expo America that the company has acquired (or in one case, re-acquired) the rights to reprint Prince Valiant and Wash Tubbs & Captain Easy .
First Issue of 'The Stand' in September
June 1, 2008
Marvel Comics has announced a licensing agreement with Doubleday for an adaptation of King’s The Stand.
Nearly 'Civil War' levels
May 19, 2008
Secret Invasion #1 launched at a high level, with over 250,000 copies sold by Diamond Comic Distributors to independent retailers in April.
Sales Estimates for April Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
May 19, 2008
These are estimates of the sales by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during April 2008.
'I Am Legend' Scribe Writing
May 7, 2008
Matthew Vaughan ( Layer Cake, Stardust ) is no longer attached to direct Thor.
New Animated Series
May 6, 2008
Marvel Animation is producing 26 episodes of a new animated series known as Marvel Super Hero Squad.
'Best Ever'
May 5, 2008
Keith Mallow of Collector's Comics in Fort Pierce , Florida shares his experience with Free Comic Book Day 2008 and declares it “the best ever.”
But Publishing, Licensing Decline
May 4, 2008
Marvel Entertainment released its Q1 financials today and the announced earnings were well ahead of industry analysts' projections.
Followed by Thor, Cap & The Avengers
May 4, 2008
In the wake of the stunning debut of its first film, Iron Man , Marvel Studios unveiled its plans for 2010 and 2011.
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