Results 16130-16140 of 16876
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Phoenix, Arizona
September 22, 2002
Samurai Comics of Phoenix, Arizona incorporated multiple product categories into its display, and used a Shonen Jump poster as the large graphic element. It also tied in its display to in-store events and to a promotion with a local library.
Scottsdale, Arizona
September 21, 2002
The first place winner in our DBZ Dollars Display Contest used multiple displays throughout the store to emphasize the breadth of merchandise available. The strong visual elements, the use of multiple displays, and connection to an event together made the case that Redrum should win this contest.
X-Men II or Hulk?
September 21, 2002
We recently reported that comic retailers are being asked to vote on which Marvel movie weekend they would like Free Comic Day 2003-- X-Men 2 or Hulk . FCBD founder Joe Field prefers X-Men 2 while Marvel EIC Joe Quesada prefers the Hulk . Here are their essays on why.
September 21, 2002
Mike Boze of HawgHead Comics in Fort Smith, Arkansas saw our article on Marvel's attempt to gear up public relations earlier on its upcoming title The Truth to avoid sellouts and had these comments.
September 21, 2002
P. Margolin of Compleat Comics on Maui, Hawaii saw our article on Marvel's attempt to gear up public relations earlier on its upcoming title The Truth to avoid sellouts and had these comments.
Opened in 1972
September 19, 2002
Larry's Comic Book Store, the first comic specialty store in Chicago and one of the first (and oldest) in the country, is preparing to shut its doors. The store opened in April of 1972 at 1219 W. Devon Avenue and has been operated continuously at the same location for the more than thirty years since by its owner, Larry Charet.
Not Through Diamond
September 18, 2002
A press release issued yesterday by Cold Cut Comics Distribution stating that Cold Cut 'is the only distributor to offer Future Comics to retailers' is in error. ICv2 contacted FM International CEO Wayne Markley, who was quick to point out that FM is also carrying Future Comics,...
Plus Punisher Origin, but No Answers on Returns
September 17, 2002
The subject of Marvel's press conference today was the new Captain America mini-series, The Truth , by Robert Morales and Kyle Baker.
Scheduled for January 2003
September 17, 2002
DC Comics has announced the publication of Superman: The 10-Cent Adventure on January 1, 2003. The Superman 10-Cent comic will be an all-new 32-page full color comic (with 22 pages of story and art) that will introduce the new Superman creators.
Mongoose Publishing and Sky-Dog Comics
September 16, 2002
Diamond Book Distributors has added two additional companies to its roster of clients for distribution to book channels--Sky-Dog Comics and Mongoose Publishing.
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