Results 17260-17267 of 17267
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Can Tie-ins Rebound from a Down Year?
February 8, 2001
Whatever the labor situation in Hollywood, it should be an interesting year in the theatres where an unusually heavy diet of sequels and remakes will be enlivened (we hope) by some great directors.
Rave Review for Political Graphic Novel
February 23, 2001
Joe Sacco's Safe Area Gorazde , published by Fantagraphics Books, garnered a glowing review in the weekly New York Times Book Review (12/24/00).
Conviction of 21-year Old Clerk Appealed
February 6, 2001
In an important victory for freedom of speech and expression, the Comic Book Legal Defense fund has succeeded in getting prosecutors in Dallas, Texas to drop a second charge in an obscenity case brought against a local retailer.
Feminist Heroine or 'Twisted Sister?'
February 6, 2001
Les Daniels's Wonder Woman: The Life and Times of the Amazon Princess was reviewed in the 'Books in Brief' section of the New York Times Book Review on Sunday, Dec. 24 th , where it received the prominent central position as well as an illustration.
'Anti-Star Trek' Could Replace X-Files
December 18, 2001
Today's Variety reports that Joss Whedon, creator of Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Angel , has just signed a deal with the Fox network for 13 episodes of Firefly , a new science fiction series conceived by Whedon.
In January
December 18, 2001
Marvel announced a major promotional campaign for the X-Men in which consumers who order a 'Big Kids' meal at Burger King between Dec. 31, 2001 and Jan. 28, 2002, will receive both a figure and a CD-Rom featuring a character from the X-Men Evolution television series.
Paul Benjamin New Managing Editor
December 17, 2001
Humanoids Publishing has just announced the hiring of Paul Benjamin as the Managing Editor for its U.S. publishing line.
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