Week of September 16th, 2014
September 15, 2014
Godzilla plus Arrow , Grimm , and a host of geek TV series.
Column by Scott Thorne
September 14, 2014
This week, Thorne looks at a WizKids promotion and the GW situation.
Column by Scott Thorne
September 8, 2014
This week, Thorne uses lessons from Kaijudo and others to show the path to success for new games.
Column by Ray Moore
August 27, 2014
Prices for the hottest cards from the latest Yu-Gi-Oh! set.
August Release Will Be the Last
August 21, 2014
Wizards of the Coast is ceasing production of new paper Kaijudo TCG releases after the August release.
In October
August 18, 2014
The new deck features three new monster cards.
From ICv2's 'Internal Correspondence' #85
August 7, 2014
This chart of the ICv2 "Top 25 Manga Properties" reflects sales in all channels for Spring 2014.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #85
August 6, 2014
These charts of the Top 5 Collectible Games Over-all, Top 5 Mass Market Channel Collectible Games and Top 10 Hobby Channel Collectible Games reflect sales in Spring 2014.
What's Selling, Where, and Why
August 4, 2014
We talk about what VIZ Media is seeing in the market.