Column by Steve Bennett
August 21, 2013
This week, Bennett compares comics to other entertainment that's been more successful at attracting broader audiences.
Director Confirms
August 13, 2013
Director confirms more scenes added.
Plus Great New Poster
August 7, 2013
The new Thor trailer in HD plus a stunning new poster.
Creator-Owned Series Due in 2014
July 19, 2013
Walter Simonson returns to the world of Norse Gods in 2014.
In 2014
July 19, 2013
Hellboy , The Maxx , and Starslammers will all get the Artist Edition treatment.
Column by Steve Bennett
July 17, 2013
This week, Bennett takes about ways to take comics to new customers.
'Thor,' 'Cap,' 'Godzilla,' & 'The Walking Dead'
July 15, 2013
SDCC posters for Captain America , Thor , Godzilla , and The Walking Dead do not disappoint.
Will Publish Milligan's New Series 'Terminal Hero'
July 15, 2013
Dynamite Entertainment will publish Peter Miligan's Terminal Hero comic book.
Sixteen publishers, 22 comics
July 10, 2013
Sixteen publishers will produce comics for Hallween ComicFest this year.
Spike Lee Film
July 10, 2013
Director Spike Lee looks to be sticking very close to the film source material.