Three Number Ones In The Top 25
June 18, 2003
The power of the #1 issue was on display in the list of the Top 300 comics shipped in May.
Sales Estimates for May Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
June 18, 2003
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during May 2003.
First Reviews Of The Hulk
June 12, 2003
The first reviews are in on the Hulk .
So Directs Won't Be Beaten Again
June 7, 2003
Responding to criticism over the way shipments of previous book titles were received by book chains before they reached comic shops, Marvel announced....
Silver Age Hulk Featured
May 28, 2003
With the debut of Ang Lee's Hulk movie just three weeks away, here's yet another way in which awareness of a key Marvel superhero will be amplified throughout the coming years thanks to Marvel's ambitious slate of feature films.
Batman Over 150,000
May 19, 2003
Our analysis of sales to comic stores by Diamond Comic Distributors during April has dollars up nearly 5% over March and more titles up than down, with Batman sales by Diamond topping 150,000 copies.
Sales Estimates for March Based on Diamond Indexes and Publisher Title Data
May 20, 2003
These are estimates of the sales on graphic novels by Diamond U.S. to comic specialty stores during April 2003.
Out in Media Play Before Comic Stores
May 19, 2003
Adrian Battaglia of Comics Etc. in Rochester, New York saw our article on early release of the Hulk Encyclopedia in bookstores and reports a similar situation with the Marvel RPG.
May 19, 2003
Reports from around the country indicate that book chains, including Borders, Barnes & Noble, and Waldens, have Marvel Encyclopedia-Hulk on sale; it's not due to reach comic stores until Wednesday, June 4th.
Three Different Covers Available
May 15, 2003
Titan Magazines will produce three covers for its Hulk Official Move Souvenir Magazine , which will go on sale in the U.S. in June.