Quantity Estimates Based on Diamond Indexes and External Title Data
April 10, 2001
This article contains a chart showing the top 300 comic titles ordered from Diamond North America based on Diamond's reported title indexes and external title data, and interpolation of the remaining numbers.
Buffy Dominates TV Side
April 5, 2001
Fox's X-Men grabbed the most nominations for the 27th annual Saturn Awards presented by the Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror Films. The first motion picture featuring Marvel's mutant supergroup earned over $150 million at the box office and a whopping ten Saturn nominations.
More 3-Issue Collections Planned
April 4, 2001
April 4, 2001. In a conference call with the press today, Marvel President Bill Jemas didn't mince words when defending his 'no overprint policy' In response to a question on the topic from ICv2, he responded, 'It's sort of an IQ test for comic retailers. You can count the digits in their IQ based on their enthusiastic reaction to the 'no overprints policy.''
Videos, Videogames, and RPGs Take the Hit for Teen Violence
April 4, 2001
Several events that occurred over the past week demonstrated an increasing tendency to blame the entertainment industry for society's ills.
Also Evolution
March 29, 2001
The Fox Kids Network is adding eight new series for next year including animated versions of the WB television series Buffy, The Vampire Slayer and the Dreamworks outer space comedy Evolution
Could This Mean A Toonami Network?
March 22, 2001
It certainly appears that the newly formed AOL/Time Warner is determined to achieve corporate synergy among its many disparate elements.
Art Asylum, Image Collaborate
March 8, 2001
Art Asylum will produce four or five action figures based on characters from the film and create a comic adaptation of the story in conjunction with Image, which will publish the graphic novel version.
Post-holiday Sales Trends Start To Emerge
March 4, 2001
A first look at the ICv2 Top Ten Cool lists for January shows a return to more traditional buying patterns after the holiday season. This trend has been reinforced by a change in the Top Ten Cool format here at ICV2.
Statement Responds to Criticism
March 4, 2001
In a statement released Friday, March 2nd, Marvel President Bill Jemas has reinforced Marvel's decision not to over-print its periodical comics, c alling the past policy of 10-20% overprints, '...a desperate, shortsighted effort to squeeze every last dollar out of every last book.'
March Numbers Tell the Tale
March 4, 2001
In an analysis of March orders to Diamond from comic stores, we've discovered what has long been talked about in general terms -- just how far comic sales have fallen from their once lofty heights.