Column by Steve Bennett
March 23, 2010
This week, Steve Bennett talks about the Vampirella revival and briefly visits Disney comics before covering the return of 4Kids to anime, and why it might be successful.
39-Episode Anime
March 23, 2010
4Kids has acquired worldwide rights (excluding Asia ) for the 39-episode anime series Tai Chi Chasers.
In Midst of Recession
March 23, 2010
Game sales in hobby stores were up from 5 to 10% in 2009 despite hte worst economy in generations.
Kahn Promises More Anime
March 18, 2010
4Kids' Al Kahn has promised to return to the business model that brought the company prominence and profitability.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #70
March 22, 2010
These charts of the Top 5 Collectible Games Over-all, Top 5 Mass Market Channel Collectible Games and Top 10 Hobby Channel Collectible Games reflect sales in Q4 2009.
From 'ICv2's Internal Correspondence' #70
March 18, 2010
This chart of the ICv2 "Top 25 Manga Properties--2009" reflects sales for 2009.
40-Card Set
March 15, 2010
Konami has provided details on its Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Pack—Kaiba, which streets April 20th.
'New Moon,' 'Astro Boy,' 'MST3K XVII'
March 14, 2010
This is one of the biggest DVD release weeks of the year so far.
March 12, 2010
Multiple sources are telling ICv2 that Upper Deck had a significant layoff on Thursday.
Chase Cards Announced
March 10, 2010
Konami has announced the chase cards that will be included in its Absolute Powerforce Special Edition.