At the New York Comic Con Go Comi announced four new manga titles that will debut in the fall of 2007. The new Go Comi manga include Hikkatsu, the saga of a martial artist who can fix any appliance with a single blow, created by Yu Yagami (Those Who Hunt Elves); King of the Lamp, a new shojo series from Takako Shigematsu (Tenshi Ja Nai!!) about a womanizer who gets trapped in a 'genie' lamp and can only escape after finding mates for 1,000 women; Kanna by Kirishima Takeru, the story of a high school boy who awakens to find a small girl who is his daughter in an alternate dimension is at risk from a horde of monsters pursuing her across time and space; and Love Master A by Hashimoto Kyouko, the story of a girl whose inability to get a date causes her to transform the student council into a dating service.
King of the Lamp and Love Master A are shojo manga, while Hikkatsu and Kanna are shonen titles. King of the Lamp is a one volume series, while Love Master A is two volumes, Hikkatsu is three volumes and Kanna is four.