Jerry Ringi of Amazing Fantasy Comics in Chesepeake, Virginia has been following the retailer comments about shipping one day earlier (see “John Parker of CCGs Cards Comics and Games on One Day Earlier”) and says he participated in a retailer group that tried to find a solution to this problem in the past:


This is a very interesting situation that the comic book dealers in the Hampton Roads area of Virginia tried to fix a few years ago.  We had a retail organization at that time and we sent numerous letters to the Diamond Vice President concerning the situation.  We listened to their objections to shipping on Tuesday, we answered them with suggestions that would not cost Diamond additional money, and stated that our Association would police its own members.


He agreed that we seemed to answer all their previous questions and complaints, but guess what?  They came up with a number of additional problems.  Another letter and we solved those problems and guess what?  Even more problems.


This went on for several weeks with more problems always coming up.  Finally, I asked him if I answered all their problems would they ever let us try this program.  He said no, it would never happen.  Diamond and the publishers didn't want to try it because they were worried about policing stores and the cost in lawsuits if they tried to restrict stores that violated the on street date rule.


So, unless we as an industry of direct market stores unite and refuse to purchase their books until they agree to an on street date it will never ever happen.


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